Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Upcoming November Meeting

Don't forget you can bring a friend (any friend Mom or non-Mom) for free! 

Bring your checkbook as well it's our annual auction night!

October's Meeting

October's Meeting was a blast with Marie and Marilyn!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Coffee Break Festival 2012

Come by and say hello at Stoughton's Coffee Break Festival this Saturday, August 11, 2012 from 9 - 3pm at Mandt Park in Stoughton.  Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) will have a booth with information and some free goodies for moms.  If you have heard of MOPS before and just aren't sure if it's for you, please stop by and we will tell you about our experiences and how much MOPS has to offer any mom of young children.

For more information on the festival visit http://stoughtonwi.com/coffeebreak/default.asp

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Garage Sale - August 4, 2012

Please stop by and shop the 2nd Annual MOPS Garage Sale taking place on Saturday, August 4th from 8 am - 3 pm.  Location:  1917 Pleasant View Drive.

If you are interested in volunteering or donating (and we need both) please call Karina at 469-5506

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The 2nd Annual MOPS Garage Sale Is Coming!!!

Do you have some kids stuff you want to donate to a good cause?  August 4th we will be having our 2nd Annual Garage Sale benefitting MOPS Projects.  For more information on how to help organize, price and/or donate, please contact Karina at kjclausen at charter.net or Susan at raymo93 at hotmail.com

So Much Fun at The Syttende Mai Youth Parade!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May Meeting - Food & Chat

Our May Meeting is coming up and it will be a Potluck with everyone bringing a dish - so come hungry!!!  This is our last meeting of this season, our next is the third Thursday in September.  We will be in the Sytennde Mai Youth Parade (join us!) and will have a booth at the Coffee Break Festival on August 11th.  Also, don't miss our 2nd Annual MOPS Garage Sale August 4th, 2012.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Syttende Mai Youth Parade - Got Bubbles?

All Moms (Grads too) and their children are encouraged to join us in our stroller brigade during the Syttende Mai Youth Parade.  Jazz up your kids and your strollers and if you can, bring bubbles as we spread the word about our wonderful group of women!  For more information contact Patrice, Team Leader of Publicity, at patrice@fertilityhope.net

April Meeting - No Battles/Better Eating

April 19th at 7pm please join us as we enjoy our wonderful potluck and discuss better eating for our families.  Susan Mawst, a clinical dietitian, will be giving us tips on how to avoid the battles when we try to get our kids to eat vegetables other than ketchup (or is that just me?)  Anyway, we look forward to a lively discussion with validation and encouragement about the toughest but most rewarding job in the world!

Friday, March 2, 2012

How's Your Family's Financial Health? March Meeting

Join us for our March meeting (3-15-12 at 7pm) for great food and friends.  This month's meeting will feature a talk from a MOPS Graduate Amy Wollangk and her husband Jim as they give tips for your family on how to improve your financial health.  Stay for our money saving and natural craft as we will make a Lemon & Lavender Multipurpose  Cleaner and microfiber cloth.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Holistic Remedies for Your Family - February Meeting

This month all moms of children 0-6 are invited to join us for an interesting talk on holistic remedies for your family.  Jeanine Holzmann, the owner of the Cooksville Store, will explain different natural remedies for everyday complaints.

Remember February's meeting will be held upstairs in the Gathering Area of St. Ann's Church.  We look forward to seeing YOU there!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January Is Our SPA NIGHT

This year's Spa Night is taking place on Thursday, January 19th!  We will have a massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, paraffin wax dips to soften your hands and a makeover or two. Our speaker Anne Ademetz will be talking about how to relax and take care of ourselves naturally while taking care of our family.  Come join us in your pajamas or comfiest clothes and pamper your body and soul!